What is Transpersonal Coaching?
Transpersonal means “beyond the person.” It's based on the idea of a spiritual center (soul) within each of us. It draws on influences from many respected 20th-century psychologists such as Abraham Maslow (who explored the relationship between self-realization and motivation), Victor Frankl (a prisoner of World War II concentration camps who found that those who could invest their lives with meaning had a greater chance of survival), Carl Jung (who studied how individuals can feel fulfilled) and Stanislov Grof (one of the founding psychiatrists of transpersonal psychology).
I presence and guide you through your awakening to your True Self offering my coaching and healing tools as needed along the way. I work at the highest physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels to connect you with your essence, personal power, soul longings, intentions and creations.
“Kate will guide you through changes for the better and get you living the life you want!”
Answers to Common Questions I Receive
What’s the Difference Between Coaching and Counseling?
Coaching and counseling are complementary. Both involve partnering to shift states or resolve personal issues. Counseling explores the past, often family of origin issues, with a focus on healing. Coaching picks up were counseling leaves off focused on the NOW and future toward expansion and moving forward in life with purpose.
Are you a Therapist?
No, I am a Coach, Certified Interfaith Spiritual Director and initiated Shamanic Practitioner. While it may be appropriate at times to discuss personal and relational issues in the context of our work, I am not trained as a psychotherapist and do not provide counseling services. Similarly, we may discuss financial issues in the context of financial well-being but I do not offer financial advice.
What can I/we expect when working with you?
We get clear on what you want to focus on during our time partnering. Once clear, we meet for several sessions during which I ask you questions, give direct guided answers and offer my presence, listening and reflection to whatever you bring in. I also may suggest a healing, an activity, readings and things to notice between sessions employing tools I developed or have access to in order to help you awaken to your true self and liberate your spirit. Some of the tools I use include:
Presencing & Deep Listening
Psyche Parts exploration and transformation (IFS Model)
Oracle Readings
Self discovery activities
Ritual, Ceremonies and Journey experiences
Plant medicine integration
Spiritual Direction/Companionship
How might I/we personally benefit?
Deep knowing of and connection with your “true” Self
Awaken your heart and spirit bodies to balance with the dominant egoic mind/body awareness
Align your True Self with right work/service
Regain your power
Communicate with more clarity
Shift relationships (time, money, people, etc.)
Gain personal courage, confidence and influence
Shift from operating from fear (scarcity) to trust (prosperity)
Connecting to your Source — More peace, joy and love
Create meaning and greater fulfillment
Expand your consciousness