The Gaia Codex

The Gaia Codex serves as a guide for awakened and awakening humans to live on the New Earth (she is expanding).

Over 18-months, symbols and oracles channeled through me. I captured these as they came through in my journals sometimes early in the morning or as I drove on the mountain roads. At the time, I had no idea these images and words would form into a book or even be a series of messages that worked together to guide us. Later, I received a message from Gaia to organize the symbols and pair them with the oracles and actions, a task somewhat like putting together a jigsaw puzzle while in an expanded state. Thus, I “transcribed the codex…” first, by hand into the original leather-bound book and now as an activation journal for all to experience.

How to Use the Codex

Each page contains a symbol with an oracle and action you may take. These work together in a unique way. Gaze at the symbol as you read the oracle aloud (as many times as you like). As you view the symbol through your eyes, the optic nerve receives the image which stimulates the vagus nerve and pineal (both 3rd and 4th eyes). While reading the symbol’s encoded oracle aloud stimulates the auditory nerve (8th cranial). I provide an adjacent page for your reflections as you interact with each of the symbols and oracles.

I suggest you peruse the journal in order and then go to the symbol/oracle that intrigues you the most…or simply use it as a divination tool and open the booklet to a random page and contemplate the message. Different symbol/oracle combinations present as significant at different times depending on what you are going through and need. Follow your own inner guidance and intuition about how long to work with one before being guided to another. Most importantly, enJOY your connection to this Codex.

Want a Codex Journal?

  • EMAIL: Click on the link below and send me an email with your mailing address and how many journals you would like. They are $11 each.

  • PAY: Pay me for the number of Gaia Codex Journals you would like. I accept payment via Venmo (@kate-bednarski) or Cashapp ($kate5stepstones)

  • MAIL: I will post your journals to you at your address as soon as I receive payment. I will email you when I mail the journals to you.

  • GRATITUDE: I thank you…and Gaia thanks you. Many Blessings, dear one.

Stillness ✜ Silence ✜ Simplicity