
As ceremonialist, I offer personal non-religious rituals and planetary healing ceremonies serving as a bridge between the ancient and the modern, this world and the spirit realms and the mystical and the earth bound. I hold ceremonies in a sacred way with reverence to my teachers and spirit guides who work through me. The ceremonies offer powerful experiences to be honored and respected as they activate, shift, transmute and allow opportunities to clear unresolved issues.


Tobacco Ceremony

As the sacred first plant of all the plants and considered by many indigenous cultures as “the ancient one”, tobacco is often used for spiritual and medicinal purposes. I use it to pray with, as an offering to the earth and fire and offer Rapé as a sacred medicine for health and well being.


Medicine Wheel Ceremony

Opening the circle and portal, calling in the quarters and elementals for activation of a new medicine wheel dedicated to the Sophia Christ Light.


Sound & Vibration Ceremony

The Gong is a most powerful and ancient transformational instrument. It has been used for ritual, ceremony, prayer, and meditation since the Bronze Age. While its sound feels relaxing and calming, centering and energizing, the Gong generates powerful multi-dimensional ripples of sound that grow into waves and bathe your entire body in streams of sound. These electromagnetic waves recalibrate the nervous system, regulate heart rate and open the door to one’s soul


Cacao Ceremony

A beautiful heart opening medicine, ceremonial cacao is initiating an important shift for our society and our culture. I facilitate sacred cacao ceremonies and amplify other magickal rituals with its use.


Healing Circle Ceremony

Creating altars and ritual space for the healing ceremonies I offer to small groups in sacred settings. Limpia, plant medicines, song and drumming are among the transformative spiritual tools I use for personal healing, balancing and expansion.

Stillness ✜ Silence ✜ Simplicity