Be the Shaman…Be the Shaman…Be the Shaman

Be the Shaman…Be the Shaman…Be the Shaman

BE THE SHAMAN I awakened to my shamanic calling in this lifetime in 1997 deep in the jungles of Peru during my first Grandmother Ayahuasca ceremony when I heard the phrase “Be the Shaman” repeated over and over as the ayahuascero shook his chakapa and sang his icaros. 

SWOOSH TO SHAMAN It would be many years later after leading several brand transformations in the corporate world, most notably leading the global women’s business at NIKE, that I would trade that realm for others and finally accept the calling to “be the shaman.” Once I did, my teachers appeared.

My Journey From Swoosh to Shaman

Several clients over the years expressed curiosity about how I moved from the E-Suite to “become a shaman” (this is not something we become, rather we are called and then we choose to say yes to the path or no)… Here the story reveals in an interview with JJ Martin, Fashion Journalist and Creative Director, Chief Spiritual Officer of Milan fashion brand LaDouble J .

MY TEACHERS I AM blessed with many powerful guides and wayshowers on my path who help me beyond measure. I met all of my living teachers first as Shamans/Healers/Helpers who assisted me with personal healing and initiation integration I faced. Their support continues on my ever deepening path. I remain humble and grateful to them all and mention them here with humility and respect.


Itzhak Beery & Irma Star Spirit Turtle Woman

I apprenticed with Itzhak Beery and Irma Star Spirit, my first teachers. Irma is a shamanic healer and teacher honoring the ways of the curanderas and Maya & Taino medicine elders, a Karuna Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Crystal Healer and Toltec Dreamworker.

Itzhak is a leading shamanic teacher, healer, speaker, community activist and bestselling author of three books on shamanism. He has been initiated by several highly respected South and North American shamans including into the Sacred 24 Yachaks Circle of Imbabura in Ecquador.


Dońa Maria Clementia Sanchez Colimba

I have been initiated by indigenous shaman elder Dońa Maria Clementia Sanchez Colimba into her ancestral Yachak lineage of ceremonies such as La Limpia, the energy cleansing ceremony to remove negative energies and many illnesses.


Bear Claw Soaring Eagle

I received several initiations, activations, ceremonies (including my medicine spirit name and personal pipe) from and continue to be mentored by Bear Claw Soaring Eagle, a powerful Taino-Lakota sundancer and Helper (he does not call himself healer nor teacher).


I AM Grateful…

to have received many medicines, teachings and guidance from other shamans, healers, curenderas and medicine carriers in Peru and Ecuador showing me these ancient ways of clearing, expanding and healing.


Thank you

to all my wayshowers, guides, teachers, shamans and helper brothers and sisters in the physical world who join a host of those in the Spirit world who continue to inspire and guide me. I remain humbly honored to now share what I am able in the North as the eagle and condor fly together once again. SHUNGO!

Stillness ✜ Silence ✜ Simplicity